Thursday, October 23, 2008

The Amazing Race Asia 1, Leg 2 Timeline: Sucky Sony Soup

Money for this race leg: $139.00 (but Sandy/Francesca receive nothing)
Money for the entire race: $189.00

Day Two
Saturday, May 27th, 2006

Teams depart from the Pit Stop, which has been moved from the top of Menara Kuala Lumpur to the base of the tower:

2:11am - Mardy/Marsio
+9min - Ernie/Jeena (2:20am)
+16min - Zabrina/Joe Jer (2:27am)
+26min - Aubrey/Jacqueline (2:37am)
+31min - Andrew/Syeon (2:42am)
+46min - Sharon/Melody (2:57am)
+46min - Andy/Laura (2:57am)
+92min - Howard/Sahran (3:43am, despite arriving AFTER Sahil/Prashant)
+109min - Sahil/Prashant (4:00am, despite arriving BEFORE Howard/Sahran)
+147min - Sandy/Francesca (4:38am)

The first clue directs teams to fly to Jakarta, Indonesia on AirAsia. When they land, they must take taxis to the main entrance of the Ragunan Zoo in oder to find the next clue.

Because of being restricted to one airline, all teams take the same flight to Jakarta. Teams arive later that morning and head to the zoo, where they find the cluebox (order generally not shown), and encounter a:

"Who likes animals?"

Before the task itself, teams must walk to the Native Small Mammals sectioln of the zoo. There, the chosen team member must enter an enclosure containing a native Indonesian snake, second only in size to the anaconda. Once inside, they have two minutes in which to avoid the snake and retrieve the clue from a cluebox inside. If they fail to get the clue in this time, they must go to the back of the first-come-first-served line. Teams shuffle slightly on their way to the task, where chosen team members all succeed on their first attempt, in the following order:

1) Ernie [Ernie 1, Jeena 0]
2) Marsio [Mardy 0, Marsio 1]
3) Sahil [Sahil 1, Prashant 0]
4) Sahran [Howard 0, Sahran 1]
5) Laura [Andy 0, Laura 1]
6) Melody [Sharon 0, Melody 1]
7) Zabrina [Zabrina 1, Joe Jer 0]
8) Andrew [Andrew 1, Syeon 0]
9) Francesca [Sandy 0, Francesca 1]
10) Jacqueline [Aubrey 0, Jacqueline 1]

The next clue contains directions for teams to travel to Taman Mini Indonesia Indah, where they must find the West Sumatera Pavilion. It also contains the clue for TAR Asia's first ever...


In TAR Asia, all Fast Forward tasks remain a mystery until teams arrive at the location. Teams wishing to claim this Fast Forward must head to the SMA Negeri 60, a local high school, where they must search through fifty children moving around in the quadrangle listening to Sony Walkmans. One of these students has a Walkman playing Allan saying "Congratulations. You have won the Fast Forward. Please exchange your Sony Walkman for your clue.", the others all play Allan saying "Sorry. Incorrect. Try again." The team which finds the one walkman playing the Fast Forward message first wins the Fast Forward.

Both Ernie/Jeena and Sahil/Prashant attempt the Fast Forward, with Sahil/Prashant arriving at the school first and winning it.

Ernie/Jeena must then head to the West Sumatera Pavilion like the other teams. There, they must perform a local Miningkabau plate dance called the tari piring. They must also don a local hat. If the dance professionals are satisfied with their performance, they will get the next clue. Teams arrive and complete the task:

2) Mardy/Marsio
3) Aubrey/Jacqueline
4) Andy/Laura
5) Zabrina/Joe Jer
6) Howard/Sahran
7) Andrew/Syeon
8) Sharon/Melody
9) Sandy/Francesca
10) Ernie/Jeena

And are given a:

Push <--DETOUR--> Sell

In either Detour option, teams must make their way to JL Panglima Polim III, and find a waiting group of bakso soup carts.
Teams selecting PUSH must push their cart along a marked five-hundred-metre course, whilst singing a traditional song used by bakso vendors, called Uncle Bakso. They must push slow enough so as to not spill the contents of a bowlful of soy sauce. If there is enough bakso in the cart when they finish, they will be given their next clue. PROS: Task is almost certainly quicker. CONS: Task will require balance. Task may need to be completed more than once if teams fail. Singing a song in Indonesian will be difficult.
Teams selecting SELL must prepare at least fifteen bowls of bakso soup, and sell them at a minimum price of 2000 rupiah each. They have the option of buying the food and eating it themselves if they are unable to find customers. Once fifteen bowls have been sold they will get their next clue. PROS: Task does not require balance. Task will only need to be completed once. CONS: Task is almost certainly slower. Finding customers may be difficult.

Zabrina/Joe Jer are the only team to choose Sell, everyone else chooses and completes Push. Teams arrive at the carts:

2) Mardy/Marsio
3) Zabrina/Joe Jer
4) Andy/Laura
5) Howard/Sahran
6) Andrew/Syeon
7) Aubrey/Jacqueline
8) Sharon/Melody
9) Sandy/Francesca
10) Ernie/Jeena

And finish the task:

2) Mardy/Marsio
3) Zabrina/Joe Jer
4) Howard/Sahran
5) Sharon/Melody
6) Aubrey/Jacqueline
7) Andy/Laura
8) Andrew/Syeon
9) Sandy/Francesca, who had to complete the task a second time
10) Ernie/Jeena, who had to complete the task a second time

The final clue directs teams to head to the Pit Stop, Monas (in English, the National Monument). They are told that they must enter via the IRTI Monas carpark. Teams arrive:

1) Sahil/Prashant
2) Mardy/Marsio
3) Howard/Sahran
4) Zabrina/Joe Jer
5) Sharon/Melody
6) Aubrey/Jacqueline
7) Andy/Laura
8) Andrew/Syeon
9) Sandy/Francesca
10) Ernie/Jeena, who are eliminated.

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