Sunday, October 26, 2008

The Amazing Race Asia 1, Leg 7 Timeline: No Vegan Detours

Money for this race leg: Not Stated.
Money for the entire race: $469.00, plus whatever was given for Leg 3, Leg 5, and this leg.

Day Twelve
Tuesday, June 6th, 2006

After an extended Pit Stop, teams leave from the South Island of New Zealand:

2:54am - Sandy/Francesca
+21min - Zabrina/Joe Jer (3:15am)
+71min - Andrew/Syeon (4:05am)
+88min - Mardy/Marsio (4:22am)
+91min - Howard/Sahran (4:25am)
+191min - Andy/Laura (6:05am)

With a clue directing them to fly to Singapore. When they arrive, they must find the flagged Caltex service station on MacPherson Road (there are two), and wash a Ford Focus sedan to the satisfaction of the Caltex employee judging the task in order to get the next clue. Again, they are told that they must fly Air New Zealand.

All teams take the same flights to Singapore, connecting in Auckland.

Teams arrive at the Caltex and find their vehicles:
1) Mardy/Marsio
2) Sandy/Francesca
3) Zabrina/Joe Jer
4) Andrew/Syeon
5) Andy/Laura
6) Howard/Sahran, who originally went to the wrong petrol station

They finish washing:
1) Andrew/Syeon
2) Mardy/Marsio
3) Sandy/Francesca
4) Howard/Sahran
5) Zabrina/Joe Jer
6) Andy/Laura

The next clue tells them to take a taxi (why can't they drive their cars?) to the Fountain of Wealth, where they will find the next clue. Teams arrive:
1) Andrew/Syeon
2) Mardy/Marsio
3) Sandy/Francesca
4) Howard/Sahran
5) Andy/Laura
6) Zabrina/Joe Jer

They are directed to get to the airport and fly to Bangkok, Thailand. When they land, they must take a taxi to Wat Niwet Thamaprawat, a Buddhist temple outside the city, in Ayutthaya Province.

All teams take the same direct AirAsia flight...

Day Thirteen
Wednesday, June 7th, 2006

...arriving before dawn the next morning. Teams arrive at the temple:

1) Zabrina/Joe Jer
2) Andy/Laura
3) Andrew/Syeon
4) Howard/Sahran
5) Mardy/Marsio
6) Sandy/Francesca

They must find the correct cluebox out of several hidden on the temple grounds. However, teams must wait for the cable cars which will take them across the river to the temple to start operating at 6:30am before searching. They take cable cars across in the order they arrived, and find the correct cluebox:

1) Zabrina/Joe Jer
2) Andrew/Syeon, who see Zabrina/Joe Jer getting the clue from their cable car
3) Sandy/Francesca
4) Mardy/Marsio
5) Andy/Laura
6) Howard/Sahran

The next clue contains a 2 Baht coin, and teams must travel to the landmark depicted on the coin in order to get the next clue. This landmark is the Golden Mount, in Bangkok, and teams arrive at it:

1) Zabrina/Joe Jer
2) Sandy/Francesca
3) Andrew/Syeon
4) Mardy/Marsio
5) Andy/Laura
6) Howard/Sahran

Just in time for this week's:

"Who rings a bell? Patience and perseverence may be needed."

In this RoadBlock, the chosen team member must climb to the rooftop pagoda at the Golden Mount. There, they must search 560 "golden blessing bells" for silver clue capsules. Though there are 100 capsules, only six of these can be exchanged for the next clue. The chosen team members find a correct capsule and finish (after the first five teams to arrive must wait until the task opens at 8:00am):

1) Andy [Andy 4, Laura 2]
2) Syeon [Andrew 3, Syeon 3]
3) Francesca [Sandy 3, Francesca 3]
4) Marsio [Mardy 4, Marsio 2]
5) Joe Jer [Zabrina 2, Joe Jer 4]
6) Sahran [Howard 4, Sahran 2]

Immedaite after the RoadBlock, the next clue is a:

Bacon <--DETOUR--> Eggs

Teams selecting BACON must take a taxi to flagged tuk-tuks on a specified road, then navigate their driver through Bangkok's confusing streets to the nearby Pig Memorial Monument. Their drivers are not allowed to assist, but teams can ask for help from locals. PROS: Not physical. CONS: Language barrier.
Teams selecting EGGS must take a taxi to Pak Khlong Talad, find a specified egg vendor, stack 20 trays on a wheeler, and transport them to a different stall in the market. They must return and get replacements for any eggs they break. PROS: Task is potentially easier. CONS: Physical.

Teams choose options and finish:

1) Andy/Laura, who chose Eggs
2) Howard/Sahran, who chose Bacon
3) Andrew/Syeon, who chose Bacon
4) Sandy/Francesca, who chose Eggs, and found the end point of the task before they found the beginning
5) Mardy/Marsio, who chose Bacon
6) Zabrina/Joe Jer, who chose Bacon

The final clue of the leg directs teams to head to the Pit Stop at Wat Pho, also known as the Temple of the Reclining Buddha. Teams check-in:

1) Andy/Laura, who each win a year's supply of engine-cleaning Caltex fuel
2) Andrew/Syeon
3) Howard/Sahran
4) Sandy/Francesca
5) Mardy/Marsio
6) Zabrina/Joe Jer, who are not eliminated but lose all their money. They will not get any for the next leg.

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