Tuesday, October 28, 2008

The Amazing Race Asia 1, Leg 11 Timeline: What Says Arabian Desert Like Golf And Snow?

Money for this episode: Not stated.
Money for the entire race: $549.00, plus whatever was given for Legs 3, 5, 7, the first half of Leg 9, and this leg.

Day Twenty-One
Thursday, June 15th, 2006

Teams leave from Jain Mandir Dada Bari in Delhi:

1:47am - Sandy/Francesca
+7min - Mardy/Marsio (1:54am)
+8min - Andrew/Syeon (1:55am)
+28min - Zabrina/Joe Jer (2:15am)

The clue directs teams to fly to Dubai, in the United Arab Emirates. When they land, they must take a taxi to the Bur Dubai Abra Station, where they will find their next clue on a waiting abra. They are warned that there is a Yield ahead.

All teams take the same flight to Dubai, arriving later that day. Teams head to the abra station and find the


And subsequent cluebox:

1) Zabrina/Joe Jer
2) Sandy/Francesca
3) Mardy/Marsio
4) Andrew/Syeon

No team uses the Yield. The next clue is this week's:

"Who wants to play a round? You may need patience and a steady hand."

Before this task, teams must take their abra to the Dubai Creek Golf & Yacht Club. There, the chosen team member must use only a putter, one other club of their choice, and one ball to complete a nine hole golf course. If they lose their ball or break a club, they must return to the first tee to get a replacement. The chosen team members finish:

1) Zabrina [Zabrina 5, Joe Jer 5]
2) Francesca [Sandy 5, Francesca 5]
3) Syeon, who got a hole in one [Andrew 5, Syeon 5]
4) Marsio, who had to return for a replacement ball [Mardy 5, Marsio 4]

The next clue directs teams to head to the DIMC, the Dubai International Marine Club. there, they must search for the Leopard of Dubai, a boat holding their next clue. Teams find the boat:

1) Zabrina/Joe Jer
2) Sandy/Francesca
3) Andrew/Syeon
4) Mardy/Marsio

They are now told to find Ski Dubai, an indoor ski resort at the Emirates Mall. They arrive:

1) Sandy/Francesca
2) Zabrina/Joe Jer
3) Andrew/Syeon
4) Mardy/Marsio

And encounter a:

Hack <--DETOUR--> Hike

Teams selecting HACK must use a hammer and chisel to release a clue from inside a 150 kilogram block of ice. PROS: Less physical. CONS: Requires skill.
Teams selecting HIKE must hike up the steepest slops in Ski Dubai, with each team member carrying a 25 kilogram bag of hiking equipment. PROS: No skill necessary. CONS: Physical.

Teams choose options and finish them:

1) Sandy/Francesca, who chose Hack
2) Andrew/Syeon, who chose Hack
3) Zabrina/Joe Jer, who chose Hike
4) Mardy/Marsio, who chose Hike

They are directed to take a taxi to the Gold Souk, and find the Modern Jewellery Store, where the vendor will give them their next clue. Teams find the store:

1) Sandy/Francesca
2) Andrew/Syeon
3) Zabrina/Joe Jer, who called ahead to find out where it was and were led to the store's office
4) Mardy/Marsio

The final clue of this leg tells teams to find waiting cars with drivers outside the Souk, and direct the drivers to the Pit Stop at a "desert camp" in the Margham Red Dunes outside of Dubai. The same place was used as a Pit Stop in TAR 5 in the American version, and contrary to both it's a theatre restaurant and not a desert camp. Though at least Allan notes it's "inspired by the Bedouin lifestyle" rather than calling it a "Bedouin camp" like Phil did. Regardless, teams check in:

1) Sandy/Francesca
2) Andrew/Syeon
3) Zabrina/Joe Jer
4) Mardy/Marsio, who are not eliminated, but lose their money and will not get any for the next leg.

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